Before starting a data import, please visit our Import User Data Using the Teamworks Hub User Data Importers help center article.
When utilizing the Teamworks Data importer, your files must be correctly formatted with the appropriate columns and values. To avoid errors, it is strongly recommended that you enter your data into the file templates provided in Teamworks Hub.
After uploading your data file, you will be asked to confirm your header rows. Confirming your header rows reduces the likelihood of an error during your import. If you are utilizing the provided template file, you should not have any issues with your header rows.
If your file does not have a Header Row, select the File Has No Column Names and you will be directed to the Match Column page, where you can match each column in your file with a header. If your columns do not match, you will be required to map your columns before moving forward with the data import.
If your file does not include a required column, you will need to add the column before moving to the next step.
Where possible, Teamworks Hub will use AI to map your columns. After mapping your columns with headers, select Confirm Matching and Continue.
Next, you need to ensure your data values match the profile attribute options within Teamworks Hub. For example, in the screenshot below, the data file listed “Looking” under marital status; however, “Looking” is not a valid value. Therefore, you would match looking to the value of “Single”. Where possible, Teamworks Hub will use AI to map profile attributes. After matching your values, select Continue.
Once you have matched your columns and values, you can proceed with your data import. For complete directions on how to utilize the Teamworks Data Importer visit our Import User Data Using the Teamworks Hub User Data Importers help center article.