Sending a message blast is a useful way to get information out to an entire team, across multiple groups, and individuals who support your team. Message blasts allow you to send a message to many recipients simultaneously, yet have the feel of a one-on-one text or email. Recipients can respond directly to the sender, creating a one-on-one message thread, but can’t see who else the original message was sent to. Use the message blast feature to send words of encouragement, birthday or anniversary wishes, reminders, and much more.
To Send a Message Blast on Desktop:
- Navigate to the Messaging module in the left sidebar, which will direct you to the Message Blast page.
- Select whether you wish to send a Teamworks Message, Email or Both by using the toggle.
- Enter your message into the textbox(s) and add any attachments.
The various types of files that can be attached to your Teamworks Message include: .pdf, .mp4, .jpg,. jpeg, .png, .gif,. mpeg, .bmp, csv, .oga, .ogv, .ogx, 3gp, .weba, .webm, .tiff, .rtf, .ics, .mp3, .vcf, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xltx, xml, .doc, .docx, .dot, .htm, .html, .txt, .rtf
- Select Recipients for your message on the right side of the page.
- Select Send Now or Schedule for Later. If you wish to schedule your message for late, you will be prompted to enter the date and time you want your message to be sent.
- In the pop-up, select Send Message Blast.
After sending your message blast, you will be directed to the Message History page. To learn more about viewing message history, visit our Help Center article.
If a user navigates away from the message blast page before a message is sent, they will have the option to restore their progress and continue working on their last message when they return to the messaging tab.
Message blasts can also be sent from the Teamworks Hub mobile app. Sending message blasts from your mobile device gives you the ability to mass communicate on the go!
To Send a Message Blast on Mobile:
- From your mobile dashboard, select the + button on the bottom right of the page.
- Select New Message Blast.
- Select Recipients from your message and select Next.
- In the When section, select whether you wish to send your message blast Immediately or Schedule your message blast.
- Select whether you wish to send a Teamworks Message, Email, or Both by using the toggle.
- Enter your message into the textbox(s) and add any attachments.
- Select Next in the top right corner of the page.
- After reviewing your information, select the Send icon in the top right corner of the page.
- After a message blast has been sent, recipients will receive a push notification with the message (Teamworks Messages only). If the user has not downloaded the Teamworks Hub mobile app, they will receive a text message if they have a cell phone number listed in their Teamworks Hub profile.
- If a recipient of an Email message blast responds, their response will be directed to the email associated with the sender’s Teamworks Hub profile.
- If a recipient of a Teamworks Message message blast responds, their response will open an individual thread between the sender and the recipient.